Against a backdrop of daunting polarization, violent conflicts, rising authoritarianism, and mounting climate chaos, Mind & Life’s 2022 Summer Research Institute (SRI) engaged participants in an audacious inquiry: What is the role of the human mind in creating today’s divisions, and how can our minds transform to create a more connected world? From June 6-10, …
“As we face continued polarization and tribalism in the world today, I think no topic could be more important than understanding how othering happens, and how we can move toward belonging.” – Wendy Hasenkamp, 2022 SRI Program Planning Committee member During heightened divisions on a global scale, we simultaneously sense our shared humanity and the …
Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine during this time of immense suffering, needless destruction, and crushing loss of life. The tragedy unfolding in the country is haunting. In response, we see boundless courage, generosity, and kindness as people open their homes, protest in the streets, and offer their support and prayers from …
Psychologist and certified yoga therapist Gail Parker leads a meditation on attuned relationship, inviting us to reflect on the Joshua tree, from our November 2020 Inspiring Minds episode. We shared this video in 2022 as part of our 35th anniversary celebration.
We will take a multi-method approach to extend the reach of contemplative science beyond the individual practitioner. First, we will examine the impact of different types of meditation practices on propensity for self-generated thought—thinking that is decoupled from the present moment. Second, we will investigate whether meditation-induced changes in self-generated thought are associated with our …
In her book “Mindful of Race,” author, educator, and meditation teacher Ruth King writes, “When we begin to notice the constellations instead of just the stars, we can see the patterns of harm toward aboriginal and native people, dark bodies, and immigrants.” “These struggles interconnect,” she adds. To create more compassionate communities, ”we all must …
Gratitude interventions, whereby people regularly reflect on and note things they are grateful for, can be effective in improving well-being. When completing gratitude tasks, people often focus on important people in their life. Therefore, this intervention may work by increasing people’s sense of social connection. As such, gratitude interventions have the potential not just to …
Low social connectedness is a growing cause of suffering and disability. Nearly half of U.S. adults report sometimes or always feeling lonely, a state defined as a perceived lack of social connectedness and close, loving relationships. We propose to study empathy as a mechanism promoting perceived social connectedness and love. We will assess whether a …
SRI 2022 explores the crisis of disconnection and othering. The challenges we face—from racial injustice to conflict within and across borders to climate change—demand concerted action; yet we remain more divided than ever. What is the role of our minds in creating these divisions, and how can our minds transform to create a more connected world?
This conversation features Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela and Aaron Stern, with artist Hawah Kasat sharing innovative programs and approaches designed to nurture meaningful dialogue, break down barriers, and facilitate personal transformation aimed at healing the harmful legacies of the past.